Saturday, November 1, 2014


  1. Definition:
    1. 1828:To have in the mind an idea which had been in the mind before, and which recurs to the mind without effort.
      1. Mind (intellect)
      2. Recurs (return)
      3. Memory (remembrance)
        1. To remember is to bring an thought or impression back to your focus.
    1. “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana)
      1. Remembrance is key to changing our futures.
    2. “If you remember, you won’t forget to pray. You won’t forget to serve or love. You will remember to read the scriptures. You will not forget your family and friends. You will remember to obey the prophet. You’ll keep in your heart the knowledge that Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for us, and you will love him as he loves you. You will remember why you came to this earth. And you will remember you are sons and daughters of God. You can return home to him if you remember to keep his commandments and live your lives the way he has asked.” (Laura Kay Worthlington, New Era, September 1992)
      1. Remembering seems to hold the essence of the Gospel. It is the process of returning to something we have left for a time.
  3. Scriptures:
    1. Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness’ sake, O Lord.” (Psalms 25:7)
      1. Just as everything good, the devil will twist it to his own devices. He would have us focus our remembrance on the things which keep us from putting God first.
    2. “Remember, Remember...” (Many scriptures)
      1. So many times God has this repeated possibly more than anything else. It is always in conjunction with other commandments which we must remember to become better.
  4. Personal Definition:

Remember is the most important word, according to president Kimball. It is an analogy of life. Returning to something which we have temporarily forgotten. We must remember only those things which will help us to grow towards our Father.

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