What is a Word?

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Words hold power. More power than we can understand. God, the most powerful entity is compared with the Word. The power to be found in a word is comparable to the power of God. Namely, the power to reason, to create, and to grow. 

How is it that we learn? With what tools do we view the world? Everything we have ever thought has been in words. If words allow us to think, would you agree that the more we understand words (especially from an Eternal perspective) the greater our capacity to think and become like unto our Father?

Allow me now to explain the three words at the top of this page which you probably not familiar with; Lexis, Principia, and Sophron. For me, these three words hold the essence of being a wordsmith (a skilled user of words). When I came to understand those words, it unlocked a new realm of understanding for me. I only hope that you might have the same experience.



Lexis is a Greek word that means just that: Word. There is also a more modern definition. A modern Lexis is the level of language consisting of vocabulary, as opposed to grammar, syntax, etc. OR it is the total stock of words in a language.

I love those two definitions. For me, Lexis represents a wealth of knowledge. It is my goal to have heard every word in the English language by the time I turn 50. But I find it extra fascinating that this word has a double meaning of one word, and all words To me, that exhibits that a single word has the ability to hold thousands of other words in it's meaning. 

I hope someday I may understand a Lexis of words. Both the meanings in each word, and a vast number of individual words. This is the depth and breadth of that word. 


You may have heard of this one before. Sir Issac Newton wrote a book titled with it. The Latin word, Principia, is a principle fundamental to something. I had this follow Lexis because of what I want to glean from words, and what I believe is essential to understanding them. 

Each word has a purpose. Every word you learn allows you to build your understanding of the world. We far too often focus ourselves on the relationships between words rather than look at their anatomy. I still remember the first time I really looked at the inside of a word. It was an experience I'll never forget. Ever since that day I have been madly in love with words. 

This love comes from the deepest foundations of everything! By learning a word, and understanding it's fundamentals, we unlock a very powerful interdisciplinary realm to explore! I have always found it ironic that by shirking the system and studying the inside, rather than the relationships between words, I have actually been better able to understand those relationships. Knowledge is truly power, and knowledge is made of words. Words which are filled with Principia. 


The Greek word Sophron is why I study words. I briefly mentioned it above. Allow me to define it in hard terms. Sophron is a self-controlled, moral, and refined (I would say refining) mind. To be in possession of a Sophron is one of my ultimate goals. 

I have found that it is through words that I can refine myself. Words have always had a healing and a growth-inducing affect on me. This is the purpose of my Lexis. To share that refinement that comes from words with the world. It's no fun to have a brobdingnagian (look it up) vocabulary if no one else does. How selfish it is to hold that kind of knowledge to oneself. 


The Challenge-Master the Lore

I have one last word for you. That word is Learn. Learn's roots come from the Old English word Lore. Lore is something that existed before, but is passed on by the word of mouth. Some piece of knowledge or truth which was held to be sacred, and was passed on to others in it's own due time. 

This is the challenge. I have learned the lore of many words, I still have a long way to go, but there is a point to which that knowledge must be passed to others. A true Master of the Lore would only have become a Master when he shared his knowledge to others. It is our job to share the power of words with others. I want each of you to learn the lore of words, and to share what you learn with others.

The Eudaimonist