Wednesday, November 5, 2014


  1. Definition:
    1. 1828: To gain knowledge of; to acquire knowledge or ideas of something before unknown. We learn the use of letters, the meaning of words and the principles of science. We learn things by instruction, by study, and by experience and observation. It is much easier to learn what is right, than to unlearn what is wrong.
      1. Knowledge (capacity)
      2. Instruction (education)
      3. Study (investigate)
        1. The process of learning is the process of increasing one's capacity to understand a concept through hard work and investment (or investigation)
    1. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” (Dr. Seuss)
      1. You can’t learn something from nothing. Work and new energy must be exerted in order for learning to occur. When it does occur, your capacity to influence the world increases.
    2. “I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” (Pablo Picasso)
      1. That’s the principle, action brings knowledge. Confucius said that there were three ways one can learn wisdom; through reflection, through imitation, and through experience.
  3. Scriptures:
    1. “And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:118, italics added)
      1. Seek-it requires action. Teach-it does too. Learning is meant to be an active, not a passive process. The best places to look for true learning is by honest study and by faith in the God who can teach all things.
  4. Personal Definition:

Learning is something you have to work for. To learn something is to exert your mind to understand something, that you might, through study or faith, grow your capacity till you hold that concept within your mind. Like a muscle, it must be stretched before it can grow.


  1. I get really deep when I read your thoughts, especially when I can just click on the next word and make so many connections, maybe I'm addicted...nope I don't depend on your blog at all. ;)

    How do you study by faith? Is it talking about faith that you will learn what you need to know? Is it talking about that even though we don't know everything we can still have faith in Heavenly Father? Thoughts?

  2. I'm so glad that you're going deep with it. That was what I hoped the links would do, glad you're enjoying it! :D

    My boss Delose puts the quest for truth (learning) like this:

    "In a world where absolute truth exists, but cannot be known, one must live by reason and by faith" (you should check out his blog, it's pretty great-

    I think that faith can either be used as a noun; "I'm part of a Christian faith", or like the attribute of having faith in something. So studying by faith could either be, in my opinion, studying your religion and how it's gospel relates to you and the world, OR it is having faith in your studies. I prefer the latter.

    Now you've got me thinking... I'm gonna write a word study on faith tomorrow morning! We'll see what we can figure out from that! ;)

    1. Ditto, I think it's really interesting the different ways to have faith.

    2. I did one. I'd like to hear your thoughts, I'm really curious what you think, if you get some time to comment on that one I'd love it!
