Thursday, October 30, 2014


  1. Definition
    1. 1828: A putting off to a future time; delay; dilatoriness
      1. Future (later)
      2. Delay (detain)
      3. Dilatoriness (laziness)
        1. To procrastinate is to put off something till later.
  2. Quotes from Prophets
    1. Procrastination is unproductive delay. Someone has wisely said, “Procrastination is a silly thing, it only makes me sorrow; but I can change at any time—I think I will tomorrow!”” (MARVIN J. ASHTON, General Conference, April 1983)
      1. Procrastination is brought about by laziness. When you procrastinate you are really just becoming miserable.
    2. “One of the most serious human defects in all ages is procrastination, is an unwillingness to accept personal responsibility now” (Spencer W. Kimball)
      1. Procrastination is one of the worst of the worst things you can do, when you procrastinate you lose your worthiness and your exaltation.
  3. Scriptures
    1. And now, my brethren, I wish from the inmost part of my heart, yea, with great anxiety even unto pain, that ye would hearken unto my words, and cast off your sins, and not procrastinate the day of your repentance; (Alma 13:27)
      1. Procrastination of your “day of repentance” can and will result in loss of your eternal glory.
  4. Personal Definition

I feel that procrastination is of the devil. If you take time to actively pursue your salvation you can achieve it. It’s been said that Satan does not just have to make us do evil things, but if he can make us do nothing (I might say do nothing... till later) then he will have us and will lead us down to hell.

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