Thursday, October 30, 2014


  1. Definition
    1. 1828: Faithful to a prince or superior; true to plighted faith, duty or love; not treacherous; used of subjects to their prince, and of husband, wife and lovers; as a loyal subject; a loyal wife.
      1. Faithful (trustworthy)
      2. True (steadfast)
      3. Love (devotion)
        1. To be loyal to someone or something is to really love them, with a Christlike love, if you’re loyal you are someone that others can trust.
  2. Quotes From Prophets
    1. “When one is loyal to the truth, we say he is a person of integrity. When one is loyal to the truth under intense opposition, we say he is a person of great integrity. Integrity is a quality or state of being of sound moral principle. Integrity is uprightness, honesty, and sincerity—yes, all that and even more.” (ROYDEN G. DERRICK, General Conference, October 1984)
      1. Being loyal is also a way to prove yourself, if you are loyal at all times God will see you a person whom he can trust with all his works.
    2. “Each one who comes to us must find us ever...Loyal... if [this virtue] glows brightly in our hearts, the fire cannot fail to be kindled in theirs”  (ALLOWAT SAKIMA, Pre-Ordeal)
      1. By being loyal you become someone who stands out in a crowd, people enjoy this persons company. But remember, it says always loyal (Semper Fi) not just towards certain people whose respect you want more than others. Everyone.
  3. Scriptures
    1. His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. (Matthew 25: 21)
      1. The definition states to be faithful to a superior. If we are faithful and the few things (and people) that God gives us than we will be lifted up at the last day.
  4. Personal Definition
I wrote this one because I play Allowat Sakima and wanted to more thoroughly understand him. Loyalty is great, it is one of if not the greatest of a scouts obligations. In this life we are given opportunities to help others that are placed in our way. If we are firm in our commitment to serve others, if we are loyal to our superior who placed us in that situation, then we can and will be given more opportunities to aid his children because he knows he can trust us with his children.

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