Thursday, October 30, 2014


  1. Definition:
    1. 1828: False praise; commendation bestowed for the purpose of gaining favor and influence, or to accomplish some purpose. Direct flattery consists in praising a person himself; indirect flattery consists in praising a person through his works or his connections.
      1. Praise (accolate)
      2. Commendation (esteem)
        1. Flattery is saying things that may or may not be true that aggrandize somebody, using their pride. Normally not done truthfully nor honestly.
  2. Quotes from the Prophets:
    1. “Consciously or unconsciously some people lie to destroy others. Jealousy or feelings of inferiority may cause us to degrade another’s habits or character. Have you watched an overly ambitious person turn on false flattery for his own gain?” (Marvin J. Ashton, General Conference, April 1982)
      1. Flattery is often used by someone to increase their own gain. It is always a lie.
    2. “There are at least three dangers that threaten the Church within, … they are flattery of prominent men in the world, false educational ideas, and sexual impurity.” (Joseph F. Smith Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., Salt Lake City:Deseret Book Co., 1939, pp. 312–13.)
      1. There are thing destructive habits outlined here that can destroy us. Here the use of flattery to gain power is set in the limelight next to sexual sins.
  3. Scriptures:
    1. “And now it came to pass after some years had passed away,there came a man among the people of Nephi, whose name was Sherem... And he was learned, that he had a perfect knowledge of the language of the people; wherefore, he could use much flattery,and much power of speech, according to the power of the devil.” (Jacob 7: 1,4)
      1. Flattery is a tool which the devil uses to destroy the souls of men. But the user thereof and the complacent recipient.
  4. Personal Definition:

Flattery is an evil work of the devil. It occurs when one person or persons compliments and boosts other’s pride with the intent of gain. It is almost always based in err. The use of it to gain prestige is comparable to sexual transgression. It can lead us away from the path, and lull us into false security until we are lost.

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