Tuesday, October 14, 2014


  1. Definition
    1. 1828: Having a body; consisting of a material body; material; opposed to spiritual or immaterial; as our corporeal frame; corporeal substance.
      1. Material (matter)
      2. Substance (matter)
    2. Something that is Corporeal is something that has substance. Something tangible.
  2. Quotes from Prophets
    1. “Now the Book of Mormon gives us an extension and reaffirmation of the true corporeal nature of a member of the Godhead.” (John H. Vandenberg, General Conference, April 1974)
      1. Contrary to a common christian belief, the Godhead are three separate beings two of which are Corporeal beings that have flesh and blood.
    2. ‘’In coming back from the dead, Moroni was a physical being of literal, corporeal, material reality. He held those heavy gold plates in his hands. A block of metal measuring seven-by-seven-by-eight inches could weigh anywhere from thirty to fifty pounds. But Moroni held them in his hands and turned over the pages with his fingers. His were flesh and bone hands, resurrected hands.” (Mark E. Petersen, General Conference, April 1978)
      1. Like I have said before, something corporeal is something that you can hold in your hands. Both Moroni and the Plates were made of corporeal material.
  3. Scriptures
  4. Personal Definition
Corporeal is the opposite of Ephemeral. Where ephemeral is something fleeting that has no substance something that is corporeal is strong and real and lasting. I want to base my life on corporeal things, not on things of the world.

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